Plitvice Lakes National Park Photographs

A boardwalk follows the shore of Lake Proscansko in Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. From the Plitvice Lakes National Park photographs album.

On a recent trip to Croatia to visit some friends, I had the pleasure to travel around the the country. We roamed around the Island of Krk, traveled through Istria to Pula, down the Adriatic Coast to Dubrovnik, up through the highlands to Plitvice Lakes National Park, then on to Zagreb. This portfolio of Plitvice Lakes National Park photographs will introduce you to this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Continue reading “Plitvice Lakes National Park Photographs”

Dalmatian Coast Photographs

Campanula grow out of the walls at Klis Fortress overlooking the Croatian city of Split. From Dalmatian Coast Photographs portfolio.

On a recent trip to Croatia to visit some friends, I had the pleasure to travel around the the country. We roamed around the Island of Krk, traveled through Istria to Pula, down the Adriatic Coast to Dubrovnik, up through the highlands to Plitvice Lakes National Park, then on to Zagreb. This portfolio of Dalmatian Coast photographs chronicles our travels along the Adriatic coast, past the Nihaj Fortress near Senj, through the Illyrian city of Zadar, to Klis Fortress near Split. Continue reading “Dalmatian Coast Photographs”

Istrian Peninsula Photographs

An eastward view from the Medieval city wall surrounding the Istrian village of Motovun, Croatia, to the Church of St. Margaret and the clouds beyond.

On a recent trip to Croatia to visit some friends, I had the pleasure to travel around the the country. We roamed around the Island of Krk, traveled through Istria to Pula, down the Adriatic Coast to Dubrovnik, up through the highlands to Plitvice Lakes National Park, then on to Zagreb. This portfolio of Istrian Peninsula photographs covers our travels through Motovun and down to Pula, with its Roman Amphitheater. Continue reading “Istrian Peninsula Photographs”

Yellowstone National Park

Looking northwest up the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park about a half hour before the sun went behind the mountains to the southeast. The mountain in the distance is Saddleback Mountain.

Yellowstone National Park was the first national park. And, it is the largest national park in the lower 48 states at almost 3500 square miles, mostly in Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho.

Yellowstone contains about half the world’s geysers and other thermal features. It also is home to grizzly bears, wolves, bison and elk. Yellowstone is truly a park of superlatives and a worthy destination for landscape and wildlife photographers. 

Continue reading “Yellowstone National Park”

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Snow Geese take off from a pond near Bosque del Apache at dawn.

Adjacent to Interstate 25, just south of Socorro, New Mexico, is Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. This sanctuary is famous for its winter gathering of Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese.

In addition to these bird species, you can frequently see Bald Eagles, Greater Roadrunners, Gambel’s Quail, and Wild Turkeys. In fact, over 350 species of birds have been observed here. Continue reading “Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge”
