The series Garbography: Valuing the Discarded reverses the value of objects. By using discarded materials to refract and modify light, I find surprising shapes, tones, and colors.
Garbography abstracts
What inspired Garbography?
Garbography is a result of a happy accident. I was shining light through two new polarizing filters, using some plastic trash as a subject between the filters. When I noticed brilliant color bands reflecting off the plastic, I realizing that the colors were visible because of polarized light. So, I decided to take a series of photographs that explore the effects of polarized light on the surfaces, edges, holes, and folds of discarded plastics and packing tape.
What are the materials and techniques?
The materials I use are mostly clear plastic packaging rescued from trash cans, as well as transparent packaging tape. And my technique, in a nutshell, is to shine light through a polarizing filter, through various plastic shards, folds, and stacks, then through another polarizing filter before entering the camera.
More abstract photographs
I thoroughly enjoy working with abstract subjects. Here is a a collection of more of my abstract work.
To purchase our photographs
All of our scenic and fine art photographs are available as fine art prints. So, use the contact form to the right to get more information. Or, go to our Fine Art Print page to learn about various pricing options.