The Apache Trail in Arizona is a scenic, mostly unpaved, road that goes from Theodore Roosevelt Lake to Apache Junction. It is officially known as AZ 88. And, it meanders through parts of the Superstition Mountains and Tonto National Forest.
Continue reading “Apache Trail in Arizona”Southwest Idaho Photographs
My southwest Idaho photographs encompass the region south of the Snake River. I photographed Bruneau Sand Dunes, parts of the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Celebration Park, and the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. Wow, what a mouthful! What a trip! Continue reading “Southwest Idaho Photographs”
Snake River Waterfalls near Twin Falls
Twin Falls’ Snake River Waterfalls are spectacular in the late spring and early summer. My favorite waterfalls are Caldron Linn and Shoshone Falls. They pound with power from snow melt that comes out of the Rocky Mountains. Continue reading “Snake River Waterfalls near Twin Falls”
California’s Pacific Coast
February along the California’s Pacific coast can be windy, rainy, and foggy – all the elements you need for atmospheric photos. Along the way you can see bridges, lighthouses, seashores, and driftwood. Continue reading “California’s Pacific Coast”