Two of William Horton’s Chaco Canyon panoramas help support the Field Museum’s newest exhibition: Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories.
Continue reading “Chaco Canyon Panoramas at Field Museum”Palatki Heritage Site
If you are visiting Sedona, you need to make the trip out to the Palatki Heritage Site to view the ancient pictographs. It is about 18 miles northwest of town, on Forest Road, which is off Forest Service Road 525 (N. Loy Butte Rd.).
Continue reading “Palatki Heritage Site”Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well
Montezuma Castle National Monument, along with the detached unit of Montezuma Well, are about five miles from Camp Verde, Arizona. And, they are well worth a visit if you are interested in photographing ancient architecture.
Continue reading “Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well”Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
Located 40 miles north of Silver City, New Mexico, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument is remote. However, it is well worth the winding mountain road to get there. Once there, you can take a 1-mile loop trail that procedes up a side canyon, along a creek, and up to and through the interconnected cliff dwellings. In fact, Gila Cliff Dwellings is one of the few ancient cliff-house sites where visitors can walk in and among the rooms and alcoves on their own.
Continue reading “Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument”Tuzigoot National Monument
At Tuzigoot National Monument, the ruins of a pueblo crown a ridge east of Clarkdale, Arizona. From this ridge, ancient Sinaguans had a panoramic view of the Verde Valley. Today, Tuzigoot’s prominent position provides multiple opportunities for dramatic photographs.
Continue reading “Tuzigoot National Monument”Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Chaco Canyon was a center of Ancesteral Puebloan culture between 850 and 1250. Because of its historical significance, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site called Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Here is a view entering the park in the late afternoon.
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