Chaco Canyon Panoramas at Field Museum

Two of William Horton’s Chaco Canyon panoramas help support the Field Museum’s newest exhibition: Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories.

Here are the selected panoramas that are being used in the Chaco room:

Dawn Panorama of Fajada Butte located in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.
Dawn Panorama of Fajada Butte located in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.
This panorama shows the entire Pueblo Bonito great house site. Pueblo Bonito was the largest of the Chacoan great houses with over 700 rooms, 32 kivas, and 3 great kivas. Pueblo Bonito is located in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.
This panorama shows the entire Pueblo Bonito great house site. Pueblo Bonito was the largest of the Chacoan great houses with over 700 rooms, 32 kivas, and 3 great kivas. Pueblo Bonito is located in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

The photos below show how the panoramas have been mounted above the displays in the Chaco room.

View from one end of the Chaco room in the Field Museum in Chicago, IL.
View of the Chaco room from the entrance. Courtesy of the Field Museum.
View from one end of the Chaco room in the Field Museum in Chicago, IL.
View of the Chaco room from opposite the entrance. Courtesy of the Field Museum.

About the exhibition

Native Truths is a permanent exhibition that examines many Native American stories in a series of rotating galleries. One of those galleries explores the sites within Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. And, it is here that Bill’s panoramas serve as backgrounds to a deeper examination of Chaco’s history and importance.

Other galleries in the exhibition explore:

  • The resilience of the Chicago Native community
  • California basketry traditions passed on across generations
  • Music-making through the eyes of a young Lakota hip hop artist
  • Meskwaki efforts to revitalize heirloom and ancestral plants   
  • The Pawnee Earth Lodge

Visiting the exhibition

The Field Museum is at 1400 South DuSable Lake Shore Drive in downtown Chicago, Illinois. It is open 9 to 5 every day. For directions to the museum, go to

The Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories is on the main level, just inside the main entrance. Here is more information about the exhibit:

See more Chaco Canyon photos

Here are more Chaco Canyon photographs by William Horton. 

Purchasing our photographs

All of our scenic photographs are available as fine art prints. Use the contact form to the right to get more information. Or, go to our Fine Art Print page to learn about various pricing options.
